Engine of war grimoire
Engine of war grimoire

engine of war grimoire

Wind your way down the slopes, until you reach the bottom. This is personally the last location I've faced an ogre, so if you haven't gotten one yet you probably will here. Climb up the ruins and head through the gate to find yourself at the top of a hill. You'll reach another learning, the lodge courtyard, with ruins you'll have to ascend, but if you explore the left side by wriggling through the space by a big tree you'll find an altar with the second grimoire (2/2) here. You can head either left or straight again, but if you want a grimoire, head left. Ascending the steps into the next structure, you can either go left or straight first, head straight and hang a right, which will loop you up and around to a tome (2/3) and a dropdown to the previous junction. Past the gate is a ravine that leads to another clearing and the Grunewald Lodge ruins supplies may be littered in the side passages or along the edges of this area. One key frustrating element to watch out with here in the central area is that pathing around the spikes and chains is terrible, so you might try dodging and get stuck on geometry. I suggest doing B first, then C, and then A that way when the door to the next area comes down and reinforcements head through, you can have two or three allies ready to start dealing with the horde at a good choke point and good visibility of any specials that are coming. You can probably send a lone runner to Barrel A as it's the shortest trek, and Barrel C tends to have relatively few enemies, but Barrel B is a tougher spot to reach.

engine of war grimoire

Like with "Black Powder", the key here is to avoid accidentally destroying the barrels because new ones won't spawn until all the others are in position. To open the path forward, you're going to need to detonate three explosive barrels (yay! more barrels!) at three locations. Turn around and in front of you is a point of no return to the gate event in the skaven encampment. Taking another immediate left after exiting the tree is another loot location.

engine of war grimoire

If you head along the right edge to a cluster of debris you'll often find ammo or other loot otherwise there's supplies surrounding the downed tree trunk you'll have to head through. This is another area scattered with enemies and a possible patrol or ogre attack. Make your way up the slight slope towards the ruins. If you cross the bridge and again hug the left edge of the play space, you'll loop back to the cliff and find your first tome (1/3). Drop down to the outside cliff edge and work your way to the rope bridge, making sure to watch your back from any enemies. Head back into the cave and fight your way through it. Inside, if you hug the left wall you'll run into a small clearing climbing up on the rocks and getting onto the cliff will net you your first grimoire (1/2). To get there, you'll need to head through some caves.

engine of war grimoire

Above you, you'll see your eventual objective-a rope bridge spanning the cavern. Head up the incline to some more supplies, crest the hill and work your way down to the river. Regardless, stick to the edge and work your way around to the incline, gathering up the supplies on the edge of the fen. There are a lot of enemies scattered through here, and you can often get your first patrol or ogre here. To start with, head down into the forest, hanging a right and picking up the loot before dropping into the Black Grove Fen. "Engines of War" is a long slog if nothing else. Welcome to Act II, and in my opinion one of the more frustrating missions.

Engine of war grimoire